The Mamas and the Pappas

Mamas and Papas - look at those clothes, it has to be seventies, I mean come on!The only Mamas and Papas song I remember hearing as a child was California Dreamin. I used to love it when it came on the radio. I got really into them in the early nineties at university and bought a tape which I played endlessly. (Apologies to any of my neighbours in the student residence if they’re reading.) I would lie there reminiscing on the mystical forever autumn (therefore nearly my birthday) village life that I thought I’d had.

However, on closer examination (i.e. a bit of google and wikipedia), I find that this group actually disbanded in the sixties with a brief reunion in 1971! So they hardly count as Seventies icons. What is it then, that made me put them on top of my list for this week’s popandcrisps posts? Could it be a distinct lack of guest blog submissions blocking up my inbox? Could it be that I fancied the big arse off Mama Cass (such a tragedy that she died of a heart attack and not a ham sandwich as the rumour goes)? Or could it be that I’m a sad old cowbag who is nostalgic for something that actually never was?

What am I doing here anyway? Is this some sort of fake nostalgia trip?

Answers on a post card. Or better still, on a submission to

Josie Henley-Einion, author, blogger, Legend in my own Living Room