The Cream Suit

Saturday Night Fever costumeAnother fashion disaster of the Seventies – the cream or white disco suit. Flared trousers (of course), waistcoat and jacket which looked like a suit you might wear to the office except that it was white not grey.

Why was it a disaster? Well because it would get dirty so easily what with the sweat from disco dancing and the possibility of spilt drinks. A stained white suit is not sexy. There was also the open black shirt with white jacket aspect of the cream suit which was totally revolting, especially with all the chest hair. *shudders*

I am so glad that my dad never owned a cream suit. I think if he had then I’d have been so embarrassed I’d have disowned him. But I did sometimes see other people’s dads in cream suits. I had a white jacket myself in the nineties when I was at my butchest, but didn’t wear it for very long as the dirty aspect soon became apparent.

The only thing I can think that would have caused the cream suit phenomenon was Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta looking like your dad at a wedding. Oh dear.

Josie Henley-Einion, author, blogger, Legend in my own Living Room